
Busoro Health Clinic

Busoro is a small community in the Southern province of Rwanda; its population is about 15,000 including the surrounding areas.  Because of the lack of health facilities in the area (a walking distance of 4-7 km in between health centers), our Community Aid program in collaboration with the KAY.CO coffee washing station and the local community built a health clinic in Busoro and stocked it with equipment and supplies. 

The clinic is currently staffed by one nurse and one assistant (in photo below) who treat on average 20 people a day.  The most common illnesses treated are colds, malaria and respiratory problems. 

In addition, the local community-based association of people living with HIV/AIDS was given a small plot of land on the clinic grounds to grow vegetables and distribute amongst its members.  Counseling and testing is also provided at the clinic.

The clinic has been operating since March 2010 and offers a much needed service for the farmers of Busoro.

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